LD, Kent

As a sufferer of various allergies such as: cats, white dogs and general spring and summer time – which has progressively become worse over recent years, I decided to visit Dr Runa Ali at the King Edward VII’s Consulting Rooms to see exactly what options were available to help me.

My allergies meant that if I touched cats and accidentally touched my face I would come out in a rash that looked like blisters, become short of breath and find myself with a lot of mouth ulcers within two days.  With white dogs I would find my skin itchy and short of breath and with general spring / summer time I would have almost a permanent cold – sneezing with a nasal drip pretty much all of the time.  I found myself taking between 2 – 3 allergy tablets daily, and around 4 if I was going to be around cats to help cope with the effects.

Dr Ali assessed my situation with a series of tests and informed me that I am allergic to Cats, Dogs, Dust and Grass.  She prescribed me a nasal spray and strong allergy tablets and there has been a vast improvement since this point.  I even tested myself and went to a friend’s house who has two cats and found that my chest only tightened very slightly with one sneeze the whole time I was there!

I am very happy with the outcome of my visit and now finally feel normal – I don’t have to turn down invitations to friends’ houses because of their pets anymore!